Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Demon's Lexicon

Hello everybody I'm really sorry that around this 4 month I haven't be writing any post that quickly.I was really busy I was focusing on learning a new language and it takes so much time.Anyway enough about me last week I read a book called The Demon's Lexicon it is written by Sarah Rees Brennan.It was published in 2009 and it is the first book of the triology.

The good
.A lot of suprises
.I absolutely loved Nick and Mae
.It has an engaging story

The bad
.Didn't quite like the cover(the one with illustration)
.Jamie didn't flesh out as I hoped he could
.To me she could tell about the market or Demons more

Quick summary
Nick Ryves and his brother Alan keeps fighting a group mages to protect their mother.One day a pair of siblings(Mae and Jamie)came to them seeking help because Jamie has been cursed and she heard rumours that they knew something about magic.When Nick is about to kick them out(not a people person)Alan let them stayed mainly because he has a crush on Mae.So they decided to go the Goblin Market(a place where people trade magical items and summons demons(but mages aren't allowed can you believe that)there.......That all I guess.

The conclusion
The Demon's Lexicon is an absolutely great book while it does have it badside like the cover,some part and characters should have appeared more but it is outshined by the greatness of the story and the characters and afterall if she explained and talked about everything there would be nothing to put in the sequel.

Rating:9 out of 10

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