Saturday, January 14, 2012


Hello everybody,I hoped all of you enjoyed your new year's Holiday because I certainly didn't I was too busy helping around the house I never got the chance to relax but I luckily have enough extra time to read a book.Prized is the second book of the series(Birthmarked is the first) it was written by Caragh O M Brien and was published in 2011.

The good
.Prized has more long term characters than birthmarked.
.I liked the ending.

The bad
.Lack the adventure feeling the first one had.
.Gaia's brothers should have appeared.

Quick summary
Gaia tried to run away from the Enclave but after a while she runs out of energy and collapses and is rescued by Peter and brought to a village.There Gaia found out that her grandmother once was the leader there and the village is controlled by the women since the are the more important gender there.There the Village chief confiscate Gaia's sister from her saying that she doesn't deserve to watch her since sge put her sister in danger..................That's all I'm going to say.

The conclusion
Prized really made my head turned while I loved that the author made more major characters than the first one but I was really dissapointed by on how the author didn't make any of Gaia's brother to appear in the book and it also lacks the adventure feeling I felt in the first book but I did appreciate on how she made Gaia seemed more mature than the first book anyway I will say it is aworth read to anyone who loved the first book because I certainly did.

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