Saturday, July 28, 2012


Hello before I started writing this post I looked at my stats which shows how many people came to my blog and I noticed that this week I had more than 60 people who came to my blog.I know that it isn't what you actuall call much but normally only 50 to 30 people will come to my blog so I'm quite happy even if the number of people is still not that much.I will try to improve this blog as much as I can and I thank you for all the time you spent reading my blog.I read a book called Candor this week because I want to read something that was not very well known so I did some research and found this book while it did have it's own fanbase it wasn't that large so I thought why not.It is a book written by Pam Bachorz and it was published in 2009.

The High and Low
.It definitely had an interesting story.
.The ending was great a little bit predictable but still great on it's own way.

.The characters felt uncovincing and dull.
.The book was simply too short to be reach what it could have been.

Quick summary
Candor is a town that is simply perfect all the kids there are never late,get good grades and are polite to their parents.If  family moves there and there's a rotten kid not to worry one week late he will be the pride of your family and why is that.Oscar Banks the son of town's founder knows exactly why the town is filled with music created by his father to messages in these kids brain so that they will turn over a new leaf.He will fill the kids brain with messages until they becomes "perfect" so Oscar Banks who somehow managed to fight this messages makes business from the "rotten" kids who comes here they pay with anything interesting that they still have and he will find them a way out of this town................................................That's all for the summary

The conclusion
Candor was definitely an intersting book to read the story was told on how Oscar always help kids who have something for him to get out of the town but weirdly he never had the thought for himself.This is probably because he loved his dad even though I never really thought that his dad really loved him.While the story was short and quite simple it definitly a to read on how he tried to fight the messages getting from his head and how he As the story kept going I hoped for the characters to become more interesting but sadly this is not the case most of the characters never felt really convincing on their feeling and by that made them duller.Then I when I reached near the end of the book I were already starting to imagine that I were probably going to give this book a six but then I reached the final two chapters and whilI had in someway pedicted the conclusion it still was a great conclusion to this book.While there was definitely things to improve I felt satisfied that I decided to but this not so underrated book.

Rating:7 out of 10

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