Thursday, August 30, 2012

Gifted:Now You See It

Hello everybody are you ready for my next post if you are please continue your reading.Once again I read the Gifted series.I've reached book number 5 which is Gifted:Now You See It.It was written by Marilyn Kaye and if I'm not mistaken it was published in 2011.This time the story focuses on Tracey(The one who can be invisible)and Jenna(the one who can read other people's mind)Some of you might have noticed that for every book it will change it leads but one of it leads will always be either Amanda or Jenna.

High and Low
.It finally shows some back story for characters like Martin and Charles
.The story tries to thicken the plot meaning try tomake it more deep,adventurous or thrilling

.The book is once again too short
.Is it me or this may be the most farfetched book of the series

Quick Summary
the students from the Gifted class is getting suspicious about a spy being amongst them since some people know too much information about them.Obviously their first thought is Amanda(Mainly because eventhough she had the perfect oppurtunity to warn Ken about the danger in book 4 she didn't and know she works as a secretary for the principal)but they decided to look up on Charles,Carter and Martin too.While Jenna tried to mind read the principal for any clues but sadly the principal knows how ti mind block her but fearing that he might be careless soon enough he decided to get rid of Jenna by sending her to a rehabilation centre................That's all I guess.

The conclusion
Gifted:Now you see it is probably one of the weakest book of the series.The story did try to make it more interesting but once again the story was simply too short to give a full explanation and that made the story looked a little bit ridiculous.Fortunately the author decided to give a little back story for characters like Martin and Charles who've been largely ignored in the series.The book wasn't that bad but it certainly wasn't great either and one thing I never did quite undersatnd was their accusation towards Amanda I mean Tracey,Jenna and Ken did spend some time with her so wouldn't they know her better.Okay I can understand Ken or Tracey feeling of distrust but Jenna,Imean they were pratically friends in the first book.This series really needs to show something fresh quickly because I generally think that not many people are eagerly waiting for Charles or Martin to become one of the leads.

Rating:7 out of 10

PS:You are probably suprised on why didn't I give it a lower score.I almost decided to give it  a six but since Amanda did appear in this book I decided to be a little bit generous.So if you are Marilyn Kaye and reading this comment right now I do hope that you will make Amanda stand out more in the future books.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Fathomless Fire

You may remember my review for the book Shadow of Malabron last year.I certaily did remeber the book and I always checked the internet to see whether the second book has finally come out.After 4 years since the first book was published the second book has finally come out.Fathomless Fire is a book written by Thomas Wharton and it was finally published in 2012 to my great delight.

The High and Low
.Characters who were only a minor character in the last book becomes more important and likable.

.Most of the main characters in the first book were seriously underplayed
.The story felt less adventurous and the book's ending never reached the satisfying conclusion of the first.

Quick Summary
Will has finally reached home but he felt empty inside and he also felt worried of what was going to happen to his friend in the realm so when one day he received a message saying one of his firends will fall he quickly decided to go to the realm again.Will sneaks out at night and somehow managed to go to realm one again.Rowen is now learning from her grandfather on the art of weaving but learning that is a very dangerous thing indeed because everytime you pull the strings of the stories the shadow king notices you and you might get stuck in the weaving yourself..............................................................That's all I guess

The Conclusion
I have to say that I felt seriously dissapointed by this book.You probably remember on how I praised the epicness of the story,the great characters and it's exceptional ending and as you might have read from The High and Low almost none of the things in this book could have reached the level of the first book.Yes the characters were great not to mention some appealing not so new characters but the authour seriously ignored most of the other main characters from the first book especially Freya.While the story was good it never became what the first one did which was a great children fantasy epic.The ending never did feel as great as the first.The first ending made me feel contented on what happened I don't even have to read the other book since in some way the series could just have ended like that but this book ended in the way of most fantasy series.A cliff hanger ending trying to be dramatic. Don't get me wrong Fathomless Fire is indeed a very nice book but it could have been so much greater.

Rating:7 out of 10

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Gifted:Finders Keepers

Well hello readers I do hope that you're looking forward to this weekend I know I do,I'll explain it next week if all go as plan anyway last week I read the fourth book of the Gifted series by Marilyn Kaye.Like its predecessor it focuses on how other people are trying to take advantage by using one of the students' gifts.It was published in the year 2010.

The High and Low
.Amanda is back as one of the leads
.While the story was not as adventurous as before the story felt more focused

.Once again the book was simply too short
.The story neglected most of the characters

Quick Summary
Ken received his gift when one dya he had an accident where he almost die.Since then he had been able to hear the voice of the dead even his bestfriend's voice too(He died because of the accident)He never really felt that he could control his power.One day he found a mysterious note in his locker inviting him to a seance and so with nothing else to do he went there with Amanda.There he met a kid whose father had just won a lottery but unfortunately died.Now the kid couldn't find the ticket so he went here hoping that the person who run the place could help.Unfortunately her powers was not strong enough so she couldn't call his dad.Meanwhile Amanda who felt sorry for a girl who was at the seance was teleported into her body.Amanda decided to stay in her body for a while...............................................That's all I guess.

The Conclusion
I am glad to say that this book was definitely better than the third book.While the third book tried to make it into more adventurous you just felt like some parts didn't make any sense at all not only that Amanda had less appearance than before/Thank goodness the author made Amanda as one of the leads again.Ken genuinely suprised me as a great lead so in a way both of the great leads managed to save the book from doom but with the cost of sacrificing most of the other character which I thought was a big mistake sine eventually we will read from their point of the story and I'm not actually loving characters like Sarah,Charles or Martin since they are the characters who had the least appearance(I didn't mention Carter since I'm curious on his character even if he had the least appearance)Let's just hope for the future that she makes the characters flesh out more without abondonig Amanda but for now let's us just enjoy this book.

Rating:8 out of 10